Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And Snow It Did!

Heya frugies,

Exciting day! Joe Fresh shared my holiday nails on Twitter and Instagram! This is a truly exciting development for little ol' me as I do not assume any endorsed affiliation with the brands mentioned here on my blog. To be recognized by a leading, Canadian, fashion brand like Joe Fresh for my creativity is really an honour.

As Murphy's Law would dictate, as soon as I post that Vancouver doesn't usually get snow until January, a cold front blew in and we were blanketed by a few centimetres of snow. What does one do when one is handed snow? Make snowmen, of course (LOL)!

I used two coats of e.l.f. polish in Teal Blue as the base colour; a teal that has more of a green undertone than blue. Then, using Konad special polish in White and Bundle Monster image plate BM318, I stamped on one snowman per nail. To fill in the blank space on my thumb, I used the small snowflake design on BM319.

Normally I'm not one for cartoonish designs but I think this one turned out very cute! What do you think? Share with me your thoughts on your favourite nail stamping designs in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by,

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